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Surviving the Aftermath verbessert so einiges mit seinem Update

Surviving the Aftermath verbessert so einiges mit seinem Update

Ab sofort ist Update 6 für Surviving the Aftermath verfügbar, welches „Hostile World“ heißt und ziemlich genau das bietet, was einem der Titel verrät.

Plötzlich muss man sich im Survival-Spiel auch noch gegen Banditen und wild gewordene Tiere verteidigen. Zudem gibt es auch noch neue Kampfmechaniken, welche die Entwickler neu konzipiert haben und daher gerne das Feedback der Spieler erfragen.


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  • Combat mechanics added:
    • Specialists can now be selected and commanded directly in the colony.
    • Box selection for specialists.
    • Neutral and aggressive wild animals now roam the colony.
    • Bandits can come to the gate with their demands, which can eventually end up in combat between the colony and the bandits.
    • Some wild animals will protect deposits and need to be cleared out before taking advantage of the resource deposit.
  • Trade improvements:
    • Societies now offer expiring offers and demands that can be traded to improve reputation with the Society.
    • Reputation now affects the prices of goods.
    • Trade items can now be easily canceled with the right mouse button or by pressing a button on the gamepad.
  • Tech tree improvements:
    • Research progress is now shown as a notification.
    • Major and minor techs are now more distinct from each other.
    • Every tech has a category icon next to it to help spot what they do at a glance.
  • [Community Request] Sound effect from the happiness increase has been changed from 2D sound effect to 3D sound effect to make it less invasive when managing larger colonies.
  • New wild animals added: Rat, Rat Beetle, Wild Hog, Majestic Deer, Killer Kodiak, and Sand Worm.
  • New vehicles added: Offroader and Van.
  • Camera pan moved from the left mouse button to the right mouse button.
  • Outhouse building added to improve hygiene early in the game.
  • The mouse scroll wheel now works properly in the building selection menu.
  • Buttons now usually respond to button up events rather than to button-down events.
  • Some of the tooltips are now shown with a delay rather than instantly.
  • Gate now has 3 upgrade levels, which improve the colony defense during combat.
  • Society Reputation now varies between -1000 and 1000, instead of 0 to 1000.


  • Specialists now have to be ordered to leave the colony instead of automatically appearing on the world map, and they visually run out through the gate.
  • Health bars are now shown for colonists, specialists, and buildings when they have received damage.


  • Colonist animation states and blending improved. This will reduce Incorrect animations played by colonists at the end of their travel paths or run animations used with walking speed etc.
  • Information dialog shown when the survivor group arrives at the game now fills the whole screen instead of being a popup.
  • Colonist and Specialist path visualization improved.
  • Selection rings added to specialists and colonists in the colony view.
  • World map lines and circles are now rendered in a pixel-perfect way.
  • Cloud rendering added to the colony and world map.
  • Old colonist models were still used in some buildings and have now been replaced with the new ones.
  • Pregame and Society screen flag banner was replaced with a proper 3D banner.


  • Gate now employs colonists as Guards to defend the colony during attacks.


  • Parts of mods are now loaded before entering the Pregame, this allows modding new parts of the game. For now, SymbolTemplate has been added to add new colony symbols.
  • Combat events can now be created using the event XML format.

Quelle: offizielle Webseite

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